Modular Machinery

Modular Machinery


Removing required input doesn't stop current process

Matryoshika opened this issue ยท 1 comments


modularmachinery-1.8.1, Forge

Well, I made a small multi-block specifically for Avaritia, where one can essentially make a x64 neutron collector, which will generate 1.5x the neutrons (to lower the server-breaking setups using 1k+ collectors)

I did this by adding a placeholder item, the "64x collector", which is a required input for this machine, which has a 0% chance of getting used up. Essentially, it's like a car-key. Needs to be in there the whole time.
After 7111 ticks, it does generate the wanted output, but once the process starts, I can freely remove the input, and the process continues. Once completed, it does see that the item is gone, and will not process any more until it is back.

This leads to the ability to put the required item in, starting the process, then taking it out, and placing it into other similar setups. Continuing the car-key analogy, I can start several cars with the same key, but only once they reach their destinations will the cars see that they don't have the keys in the ignition

Possible solutions: if the item has 0% of being used up, add recurring checks every x ticks to make sure it is still there, alt. check it before generating the output.

Recipe Paste:
Machine Paste:


Added to master suggestion ticket. Archiving this ticket thread.