Modular Routers

Modular Routers


Suggestion for FE intergation

Taccio33 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


A system for a Battery-like item to buffer energy that could be this way wirelessly transmitted and\or received, similar to item, liquid and xp transferring.


Now it works, thanks!


Added in 7.5.0


Thank you!


I have considered something like this. I probably wouldn't add a battery item per se (can leave that to other mods), but I might add an Energy Module which can push energy to adjacent blocks (and a Mk2 with push FE wirelessly within a certain range).


If you will change your mind about this, i will suggest adding a Distributor Module like items one.


Next release (7.5.0) has greatly expanded energy support, including an Energy Upgrade to give the router its own energy buffer, and Energy Output and Energy Distributor modules to push energy to adjacent or nearby blocks.

If you want to test a dev build, try build 57 from (usual disclaimers apply, back up your worlds, don't use on a production server etc...)


Thank you, going to test the new features right now!


The energy distribution module seems like the perfect upgrade (even if it's more of a energy module mk2) but in testing seems to not work on some blocks that have FE inputs. Am I missing something? Should the reciving end be a battery or something like that or is this just a bug?
Edit: It actually works on some things, but on some it doesn't. To be more precise what I mean by not working: when I shift right click it doesn't select a block. the blocks on witch it doesn't work roght now are: harvesters in general from spatial harvester
extreme cobblestone generator from ecg mod
every powered block from cyclic


Yeah, think I know why that is. Easily fixed...


Build 58 should fix that