Support for Refined Storage Crafters
swestrup opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Mod Version
This version of Modular Routers reports its version in the Mod's information as
"Version: task ':jar' property 'archiveVersion'"
Describe your problem, including steps to reproduce it
I'm playing Enigmatica6-0.5.9 and I'm trying to use a modular router to accept recipe ingredients from a Refined Storage crafter, and route them to the right machines. Currently, Refined Storage keeps reporting 'machine doesn't accept item' when trying to insert into the router. I don't know if this is an API incompatibility or the fact that the recipe has multiple ingredients and the router has only a single slot for input. Perhaps there could be the addition of a 9-slot input stack, so that crafters could dump their ingredients, and the router could deal with then serially?