Modular Routers

Modular Routers


Puller module with stack upgrade and regular augment doesn't pull enough

FlyveHest opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft Version


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Describe your problem, including steps to reproduce it

I am using a IE metal press, which needs 4 ingots inserted to process a gear correctly.

I have a router setup with 2 stack upgrades (so it pulls 4) and it works as expected when I just use a puller and a dropper, but I wan't to not fill the internal buffer with for instance 3 ingots if I didn't put an amount divisible by 4 in to start with.

So, i've installed a regulator augment, and set it to pull when there are 3 or more, so, if I have understood correctly, it should pull 4 if there are 4 available.

It only pulls a single ingot (down to three in the chest), and then stops processing further.

I would expect the augment to fire when there are 4 ingots available, and then process to its full capabilities, ie. 4 ingots, and not pull a single ingot, and then stop because now the amount is below what the regulator accepts.

Any other comments?


Sorry for the delay, haven't forgotten about this, but just not enough hours in the day right now.

I'll take a look this when I get chance, but it sounds like your expected behaviour should be what happens so there could be a bug there.


Fixed in 3.2.2 release