Feature Request: Pull from multiple inventories
stragulus opened this issue ยท 6 comments
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There is a module for sending to multiple inventories including round-robin options etc. It would be nice to also be able to pull from multiple inventories using a single pull (tier 3?) module, e.g. when you're distributing the same worload over a bunch of identical machines. Of course it works with 1 pull module per inventory combined in 1 router, but it would be a nice convenience.
Any other comments?
I may put this in another feature request, but a tool that shows you all the nearby router remote inventory connections, not unlike ae2stuff's network monitor, would be very useful!
A pulling equivalent to the distributor is an idea, yeah. Need a good name for it...
a tool that shows you all the nearby router remote inventory connections
Do you mean a way to highlight all nearby routers?
Re tool: It would show all the remote connections from nearby routers. E.g. while playing I hid most of the routers a little out of the way, and it would be nice to see which router pulls from or pushes to which inventory (perhaps even with a white/blacklist item list but that could get messy quick). Roughly similar to the ae2 extra stuff's network visualisation tool that shows the P2P connections.
Problem with that would be confusion with the existing Sender Module Mk3 (i.e. pull from anywhere in any dimension, which I don't really want to add).
This is more like a Distributor Module in reverse, maybe a Collector Module or Gatherer Module? Though I also don't want to confuse it with the Vacuum Module...
Thinking about this again, how about just a toggle in the Distributor Module GUI to control sending / pulling? Default mode would be send, but toggle it to pull from the configured inventories...