- 0
#1 opened by Ex5261 - 1
setTag() not working properly | NBT标签匹配方法失效
#2 opened by ccpemily - 2
Modular Diversity cannot run with MMCE
#5 opened by SieIin - 1
Parameter error in CraftTweaker2 event system | 机器事件系统传参问题
#3 opened by ccpemily - 6
Status text in controller isn't updating properly
#6 opened by FakeDomi - 0
#7 opened by sddsd2332 - 1
Recipe order effectively random
#9 opened by FakeDomi - 1
Crash with CrT
#10 opened by Oganesson897 - 2
#11 opened by Tiamu322 - 5
Machine with Modifiers do not form because modifiers are direction dependent
#12 opened by jchung01 - 2
[Bug] Item Output Hatches constantly try to output to full Storage Drawer drawers
#13 opened by jchung01 - 7
tinkers construct
#21 opened by Tiamu322 - 1
Add New Controller Textures, en_us, 新しいコントローラー テクスチャを追加する, en_jp
#15 opened by BLocky104 - 3
Preview not showing
#16 opened by BLocky104 - 1
#17 opened by BLocky104 - 1
#19 opened by sddsd2332 - 1
Missing Textures
#20 opened by RenanVieira88