- 1
#53 opened by kaluoerCarol0x0000 - 3
Broken Essentia Output Hatch
#55 opened by sainagh - 6
Multiple modifiers for single upgrade
#56 opened by sainagh - 0
Issue with Grid Power and/or Rainbow input hatches
#57 opened by sainagh - 1
adapter for gregtech recipemap
#59 opened by baifeiajdj - 1
Interaction with Industrial Upgrade
#58 opened by Tiamu322 - 1
Error with Gugu Utils
#60 opened by Bili1Gd - 0
#61 opened by Theskullking15 - 3
Example of using RecipeModifierBuilder
#62 opened by iLamirry - 0
Bugs with Machine Controllers in single-controller mode
#63 opened by Deiwos - 2
RecipeModifierBuilder multiplies
#64 opened by iLamirry - 1
cannot automatically fill
#65 opened by Bili1Gd - 1
Hiding structure blocks when using GeckoLib
#66 opened by TheTzdDark - 0
Please update the documentation for all updates !!!!
#69 opened by Artiks54 - 3
Impetus Crash
#67 opened by sainagh - 0
Assembly Line Examples
#68 opened by Lach01298 - 1
Mystical Mechanics Compatibility
#70 opened by SeriousCreeper - 4
#22 opened by BLocky104 - 2
Invetory Item
#23 opened by RenanVieira88 - 1
NBT data Itens dont work
#24 opened by RenanVieira88 - 5
[Suggestion] Add fixed times to consume item
#25 opened by RenanVieira88 - 1
Modifier: Duration no longer works as of r39
#30 opened by jchung01 - 3
#26 opened by ProperSAMA - 1
与Storage Drawers共同使用时,物品输入仓堆叠数量异常
#27 opened by ProperSAMA - 3
Ohh Tinkers
#28 opened by Tiamu322 - 10
#29 opened by ProperSAMA - 2
[SUGGESTION] Recipes based on BiomeID and DimID
#31 opened by RenanVieira88 - 4
[crash] server crash with voids backpack and mmce
#32 opened by Xplodin - 0
#33 opened by HomoobyDX - 6
#34 opened by ProperSAMA - 2
Add an "ME Output Bus" that replaces the output hatch
#35 opened by SweptWasTaken - 2
#36 opened by SST-03 - 1
#37 opened by SST-03 - 5
NTB (!()
#38 opened by RenanVieira88 - 1
JEI Clickability
#43 opened by sainagh - 0
ME Machinery Fluid Buses don't use channels
#39 opened by jchung01 - 0
#40 opened by HomoobyDX - 2
#41 opened by SST-03 - 4
Possibility to use coordinate arrays for one block
#46 opened by Xisdar - 1
is there a wiki?
#44 opened by Blocky106 - 5
Modular Machinery machine controller not generating
#45 opened by Blocky106 - 0
Hi bro PLS.
#47 opened by Artiks54 - 2
Machines not starting
#48 opened by toawa - 5
IC2 Incompatability
#49 opened by NordicGamerFE - 2
Suggestion: GregTech Compability
#50 opened by Blocky106 - 2
Energy hatches power transfer
#72 opened by ElPudgino - 4
(bu g)Vanilla 1.12.2 Crash Report
#82 opened by XRCode-StarLucky - 4
Add GTCEu Support
#79 opened by Artiwolfdev - 0
The controller has no specificity
#80 opened by xslvvv - 1
The controller has no specificity
#81 opened by xslvvv