- 2
[SUGGESTION] Not Consumed Inputs
#83 opened by Artiwolfdev - 1
ME Crafting Input Buffer
#84 opened by TheTzdDark - 4
CME in the GUI ME Machinery Patter Provider
#85 opened by TheTzdDark - 13
Clearing the cache of items in ME Machinery Pattern Provider
#86 opened by TheTzdDark - 0
mods.modularmachinery.IMachineController.getControllerAt(IWorld worldCT, int x, int y, int z) crt bug
#87 opened by i-xiaotian - 1
The ability to change textures by hatches
#88 opened by FireV1ndicator - 1
Server hang-up from ME Fluid Input Bus
#89 opened by TheTzdDark - 1
#90 opened by ProphetSAMA - 5
Cannot install a GeckoLib model via a ControllerModelGetEvent.
#92 opened by TheTzdDark - 1
changing default-failure-actions in config does not work for energy
#93 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 5
[suggestion] Add a config option to stop the recipe if there isn't enough RF/t immediately
#94 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 1
Installing the model via ControllerModelGetEvent
#95 opened by TheTzdDark - 4
#97 opened by RenanVieira88 - 1
Remove the unnecessary Crafttweaker dependecy
#98 opened by CaliforniaDemise - 0
[Feature Request] 非相同配方阻挡模式
#99 opened by WOSHIZHAZHA120 - 1
Add support with Modular machinery addons
#100 opened by infiner5 - 1
Crashes without AE2
#101 opened by roidrole - 2
Bug of hiding the controller block with the GeckoLib model
#106 opened by TheTzdDark - 0
Strict dependence on Mekanism
#107 opened by TheTzdDark - 2
The controller block is never rendered
#108 opened by TheTzdDark - 0
the controller is not changing color like the other blocks when using "color" in the machine.json and gui is a bit ugly (both in screenshot)
#103 opened by dercodeKoenig - 1
crash on start
#102 opened by dercodeKoenig - 1
#109 opened by Tiamu322 - 9
#110 opened by Tiamu322 - 9
A preview of the machine with Lumenazed
#111 opened by TheTzdDark - 0
CT IRecipeFunction and IRecipeAction support
#112 opened by roidrole - 3
Mana Hatch
#113 opened by Tiamu322 - 3
JEI scene renderer should not use GLSM push/popAttrib()
#115 opened by jchung01 - 0
Automatic Multiblock Disassembling
#114 opened by megaloloful - 1
#117 opened by Tiamu322 - 0
Lock Fluid Output Hatch
#118 opened by nzeng8 - 1
Upgrade ingredients in JEI preview aren't easily searchable
#119 opened by jchung01 - 0
Dependence of thermal expansion
#122 opened by Tiamu322 - 6
A specific multiblock recipe is not working (doesn't show up in JEI or let me craft it), but works when I add or remove items from the recipe.
#123 opened by milesnyan34 - 0
Inefficient parallelism and the new ME Input Bus mode
#126 opened by TheTzdDark - 1
#124 opened by ls314 - 0
Rename jeirecipeicons
#125 opened by roidrole - 0
ME output bus does not give away items
#127 opened by TheTzdDark - 1
Controller color ( not fixed? )
#128 opened by steam9w - 0
Recipes error
#129 opened by steam9w - 0
Any place to find how to make a custom recipe, with Blood magic orb and Rainbow Generator
#130 opened by ShadowPlayerTTV - 2
#133 opened by xbj2333 - 0
getTranslationKey and getUnlocalizedNameInefficiently return different values
#131 opened by Forever-178 - 0
Minecraft crashes due to MMCE
#135 opened by abajiar - 1
自动组装无效 Auto Assembly is not worked
#142 opened by niunai345 - 0
Split bus mode
#138 opened by TheTzdDark - 0
MixinBooter 没有先加载的话会导致崩溃
#139 opened by SettingDust - 0
#141 opened by lingxingmiao - 2
[Bug] Single upgrade modifier blocks allow substitution of all blocks of the original type in the machine pattern
#144 opened by jchung01 - 0
#145 opened by 6666614li