Momos Mod

Momos Mod



A weird and funny mod with walking tomatoes and useful equipment and tools :D.


This mod adds to your adventure:
A new creature: Tomathi
A tomato with arms and legs, and says 'momos' everywhere, literally epic.

A new resource: Tiredite
The red powerful gem, a bit better than diamond, useful to craft a better tools and equipment like:

Tiredite Sword -10 damage attack!
Tiredite Pickaxe - 2200 of durability!
Crown of Tiredness sacrifice some defense to gain a buff, DASH!

And of course, food:
Tomathi A tomato dropped by Tomathis.
Glittermeat (Depressed Meat but renamed for the update) Like a golden apple but better!
Gummies (1.1 Preview) Sweet and sticky, give you speed for a few seconds!

Don't forget the blocks!

Tiredite Block For your epic builds and decorations and also for the beacon!
Tomathi Block A placeable big tomato for your little farm.
Tiredite Ore The ore itself.

Big Update coming soon!