Monster Energy by Simbaplayer

Monster Energy by Simbaplayer



Monster Energy in Minecraft! Adds 43 Monster Energy Flavors!

Getting started:

  • Craft a empty Monster Can from 8 iron nuggets
  • Filled it with water by right clicking the empty can to a water sourceblock
  • Craft the Monster Lab block and place it next to a villager to make it a "Monster Scientist"
  • Trade the necessary items to craft the Monsters!

You can go to src/main/recources/data/recipes to look at or change any recipe!

You can change the effects the monsters give by going to src/main/java/ney/simbaplayer/monsterenergymod/item/custom/ModFoodComponents!

public static final FoodComponent MONSTER_EXAMPLE = new FoodComponent.Builder().hunger(0).saturationModifier(0f).statusEffect(new StatusEffectInstance( StatusEffects.(Insert minecraft effect in ALL CAPS), (Duration in Ticks), (Amplifier, a 0 means a level 1 effect)), 1.0f).statusEffect(newStatusEffectInstance( StatusEffects.(Insert minecraft effect in ALL CAPS), (Duration in Ticks), (Amplifier, a 0 means a level 1 effect)), 1.0f).alwaysEdible().build();