MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures

MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures


1.20.1 World Not Loading/Creating

xd4rkzghost01 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello there ! I'vee encounter this issue with those 2 mod. When trying to boot up a new/old world, i get stuck to the dirt screen and can't load anything and we've force to quit the game. I'm writting this while testing it, so it could not be your side but i've warn the other 2 said mod and they said it come from yours.

Minecraft 1.20.1
Forge 47.2.20
Blueprint 7.0.1
OuterEnd 1.0.7
MoogEnd 1.3
MoogVS 4.1.1
and 150 other mod

Various Crash and Log

Log with all the mod on
Force Crash to quit

Log Without The OuterEnd
ForceCrash without OuterEnd

Log Without MES
ForceCrash Without MES

And finally ! i found that it's the main one, Moog's Voyager Structure
Log Without MVS

And no crash this time. The game load perfectly.
I love this structure Mod but the End seem so empty so i like to have OuterEnd too but, seem like MVS is crashing the game soooo, if you could take a look :D


same issue here


the mod was incompatible with blueprint. I have now fixed this and will release the update soon