MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures

MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures

horse pen, barn, gallows, deepslate house and large tree

horse pen, barn, gallows, deepslate house and large tree

jungle tower and crystal

jungle tower and crystal

end scraps 1-4

end scraps 1-4

calcite house, tall house, house and small swamp house

calcite house, tall house, house and small swamp house

campsite, duck, bee dome and desert pump

campsite, duck, bee dome and desert pump

ruined beacon, stone pillars, tree monument, log ruin and castle ruin

ruined beacon, stone pillars, tree monument, log ruin and castle ruin

rare well, railway, lamp chest, stone fountain, out house and lecturn garden

rare well, railway, lamp chest, stone fountain, out house and lecturn garden

azalea house, desert house and flower hole

azalea house, desert house and flower hole

cart, cart 1 and cart 2

cart, cart 1 and cart 2

various biome wells

various biome wells

fox hut, small ruin, villager statue, fire camp and small statue

fox hut, small ruin, villager statue, fire camp and small statue



orange, pink blue and red stalls

orange, pink blue and red stalls

mushroom pond, rock and floating islands

mushroom pond, rock and floating islands

nether devil, nether well and crimson enchanting table

nether devil, nether well and crimson enchanting table

sunzi gate, small well, well, shed, mushroom statue and small ship

sunzi gate, small well, well, shed, mushroom statue and small ship

various biome wells

various biome wells

various log piles

various log piles

large floating island

large floating island