Moon Reborn

Moon Reborn



- Reduced the hardness of some blocks!

- Galactic Armor New Look:


Moon Reborn Mod

The "Moon Reborn Mod" mod re-creates the original "Moon Mod" by sutr90. I can't show the thread on the Minecraft forum because it was deleted. So let's get to the presentation.


Moon Portal


Moon Portal - Construction (Before entering the dimension, remember to put on your suit!)


Moon Dimension

Moon Dimension - New structures and new mobs can be seen in the background!


Moon Tent

Moon Tent - A tent that allows you to get some oxygen without having to put on a suit.


Moon Boss Room

Moon Boss Room - A room to fight the boss! We get there by right-clicking on the portal block in one of the new structures. (Attention! You can only fight the boss once!)



You have to discover the rest yourself by downloading and recommending the modification. I cordially invite you to comment and rate!


- Original mod and some textures used created by sutr90.