This mod is no longer of use In my humble opinion and will not be updated. For those seeking better domestication of foxes I would advise looking into "Domestication Innovation" I've been using it myself for months now.
When I make a mod I know people look down upon Mcreator will guess what I won't be learning code. I will however surrender when I know something better exists. As it stands there is a far superior version to whatever I could hope to make and I quite enjoy it personally. This mod will remain listed for those in 1.16 that wish to use it.
Ok, so I heard about foxes... started playing and found they lacked some things. So I decided to mod them. I will admit they can't do everything vanilla foxes can do, but they can do things they can't do. And I plan to keep updating them as I go.
- Feed a fox a sugar covered sweet berry (crafted with 1 berry and 1 sugar) to convert it to a more domesticated fox
- Tame said fox with the same sugar covered berries (gotta get em addicted lol)
- Congrats you now have a bonded fox companion!
- Right clicking on your new fox friend can toggle them to follow/unfollow you! (and when they aren't following you? they will wander around!)
- they can be bred with sugar covered sweet berries (but only when they are awake)
- Yes, as you could probably guess based on that last one, they sleep! My foxes will sleep during the day and wake up at night. (But your friend is happy to wake up if you ask them to follow you)
- They will hunt down any chicken or rabbit they can get their little teeth on!, as well as anything that hurts you! (Foxes set to wander around will additionally target monsters on their own! Your friend will guard your home with pride!)
- Custom Baby Models and Textures, I couldn't get the model for a baby fox due to how Minecraft babies work, so I had to make my own. Downsides it was a pain, perks they are even cuter in my opinion at least, and the little fella's are darn adorable when they get all tuckered out and plop down for the day.
- The Babies will grow up after 3 sleep cycles (this means if you sleep in a bed it will speed up their growth, as opposed to mobs normally growing up after a certain amount of real time.)
- Babies are untamed duh! Babies don't listen to anyone! After they have grown up and matured a bit they can be tamed just like their parents!