More Flint And Steel

More Flint And Steel


This is a side project mod that adds 9 more flint and steel type items to the game

flint and flint and steel and steel (makes a 3x3 area of fire on the ground)

netherite and tannerite (makes an explosion that damages everything but you)

soul flint and steel (soul fire)

flintin and chicken (spawns chickens)

nest and chest (portable chest with 6 extra slots)

Flint and fortress (spawns a mini fort once) ((i mean real mini, 3x3 inside))

Hiroshima And Nagasaki (Makes A Bigger Explosion That Damages Everything But You)

Faulty Flint And Steel (Fun Prank For Your Friends)

Stint And Fleel (Makes Ice Instead Of FIre)
