More Golems

More Golems



More Golems adds 5 new golems. They are unique and help the player in some way.

Summon them in a similar to vanilla golems (see images tab)

Craft a Golem head by combining a Carved Pumpkin with Redstone Dust in a Crafting Table.

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Full list of content

New golems

More Golems currently has 4 golems, which include

Rock Golem | Gives resistance to a nearby player or golem

End Stone Golem | Gives levitation to a nearby mobs

Note Block Golems | Plays a note when right clicked

Blackstone Golem | Dances

Moss Golem | Creates moss under its feet

New blocks

Golem Head | Needed to create a golem


  • English (United States) 100%

Supported Versions

  • Forge 1.16.5 (outdated)
  • Forge 1.17.1 (outdated)
  • Forge 1.18.2 (updated)

I recommend using the latest version of Minecraft


Can I use this in a modpack? | Yes

Can I redistribute this mod (on another website)? | Yes, but be sure to follow the AFL 3.0 Licence

Fabric? | Sadly no, due to features that need to be cut.

Mcreator? | Limatations of Mcreator have barely had an impact on the quality of this mod



1000 downloads | February 2022

2000 downloads | April 2022

3000 downloads | June 2022

4000 download | August 2022


Showcase Video:
