MATT's Expanded Mossy Blocks

MATT's Expanded Mossy Blocks

Mossy Jungle

Mossy Jungle

This is the jungle blocks. This one is noticeably more mossy, and this is because I imagined it being used in jungle biomes!
Action Shot 1

Action Shot 1

This features mossy oak :)
Action shot 5

Action shot 5

This one shows the dark oak moss. the color with contrast to the wood is really nice
Action shot 4

Action shot 4

this is a jungle log. It is mixed with both vines, and moss! try to spot the difference :)
Mossy Oak

Mossy Oak

Mossy Spruce

Mossy Spruce

This is the new blocks, compared to the leaves. I tried to make the moss and the leaves the same color :)
Mossy Dark Oak

Mossy Dark Oak

Action shot 2

Action shot 2

This one has the spruce moss. This color is my favorite :)
Mossy Birch

Mossy Birch

Action shot 3

Action shot 3

This image shows the Acacia moss. It is also very nice!
Mossy Acacia

Mossy Acacia