More Shields (Fabric)

More Shields (Fabric)


More Shields is a small mod that adds 5 new shield variants based on in-game material 

Each shield acts as an upgrade from the vanilla shield with increased durability.

The vanilla shield has been re-named to "Wooden Shield". 

Wooden shield: (336)

Stone shield: (450)

Iron shield: (650)

Golden shield: (350)

Diamond shield: (850)

Netherite shield: (950)

Unfortunately with how the Piglin AI works as the Golden Shield is held in the player's hand/off-hand and not equipped into an armor slot, the Piglins remain aggressive whilst wielding one.

All crafting recipes are the same as vanilla just replace planks with other materials.

For a Netherite shield use the smithing table a diamond shield and a Netherite ingot.

All shields can be retextured via resource packs, an example pack can be downloaded here: