This mod has been abandoned.
This mod is made for version Forge 1.16.4 only, however there is a good chance it will work in Forge 1.16.5 also, though that has not been tested. It will not be backported in the near future if at all.
(if you do get it working in 1.16.5 please let me know so I can update this)
This mod adds a new way to obtain sponges.
In warm ocean biomes, you will find sea sponges.

(warm ocean biomes are the biomes with the lightest color water and coral reefs.)
Once you have obtained some sea sponges, you will need to process them.
Make some processing chemicals using:
1. Thick Potion
2. Brown Mushroom
3. Sugarcane
4. Slime Ball
In the recipe book and JEI, this recipe is displayed incorrectly, do not use it.

Once you have the processing chemical, right click a sea sponge, and it will turn into a processed sponge. Craft two of these in a crafting table:

And BOOM! You've got a sponge.
Some more screenshots:

Q: Can I use this in my modpack?
A: If it is private, yes, if it is public, message me on discord first.(FireboltAA#3166)
Q: Is this mod done?
A: No! This mod is only in beta. More features may be added, and there may still be bugs.
Q: Can I make a showcase video of this mod?
A: Yes, as long as you contact me first (see first question) and credit me in the video.
This mod was made using MCreator