More Than a Mixing Bowl

More Than a Mixing Bowl


AlloyMC is a mod which allows for combining (or 'alloying) of the three metals found in Minecraft's overworld




It also adds several new systems and items as detailed below!


A new block has been added to the game- a smelter. In this smelter, you can place one of the three metals mentioned above alongside a bucket- then, wait one to five seconds- after this randomised period of time has elapsed, a molten metal will be present in the output slot of the gui!

Melting copper:


Molten metals can be combined in an alloyer to make powerful alloys including reinforced iron, reinforced gold and rose gold.

Using a diamond alloyer, all three can be combined to make a super-powerful material even stronger than netherite!

Combining copper and gold:

Combining all three metals:

The mod also aims to implement new armors, tools and weapons made not only from the newly added alloys but also from the multitude of materials in the base game without armor.

These materials include:

All of the armors, tools and weapons added by the mod, alongside the imbued chestplates mentioned below:

The final feature of the mod is that it adds an upgrading system for every single chestplate added by the mod and in vanilla minecraft.

Using the newly added gemcutter, you can place a gem into the input slot, press the cut button and get an 'emblem'.
These emblems can be used in a smithing table to apply special abilities to your chestplate.

The emblems are as follows:
-Iron- Grants resistance

-Gold- Grants haste
-Diamond- Grants strength

-Emerald- Grants regeneration

-Redstone- Grants night vision

-Lapis Lazuli- Renders the chestplate 'hyper enchantable'

There are two more emblems added by the mod which are not quite the same as the others.

The Obsidian emblem forces slowness on the wearer- if enchanted with curse of binding it could be a pain to whoever it is forced on...

The Netherite emblem can only be added to Netherite and Reinforced Rose Gold chestplates, and grants the user another row of health!

The Gemcutter in action:

A Netherite Emblem being added to a Reinforced Rose Gold Chestplate:

All of the emblems in the mod:

If you got this far, thanks so much for reading this and I hope you'll download it!
I can see this being good in a modpack or used as a (fairly) lightweight addition to vanilla!

I do not know of any incompatibilities, and the mod does not need any APIs or Libraries to function.
I really hope you enjoy!

P.S. There will be more updates and QoL additions coming to this when I get the chance, and I would love to release more mods in future!