More To MC Remake (M.T.M.R.)

More To MC Remake (M.T.M.R.)


its a remake of my old more to minecraft mod as soon it broke and i couldn't update it and 1.12.2 was old and 1.13+ was out so i took a few months remaking it from scratch and it turned out more balanced and had more to do too!

there are now 17 new biomes!

now with 8 armors and tool types!

now with 23 new mobs and hand-made models and sounds!!

has 24 new structures for you to find and dive into!!

over 100 new blocks to find and make!

over 100 new items to discover!

over 100 crafting recipes! ((i have a sheet for everyone but i left out all armors and tools))  

the dim-twilight dimension ((the void)) has never been so full of things to find and explore with many more creatures new music and ambiance and with a new sky too!!!

i hope youll find it as fun it is for me and do let me know of any bugs or content i can add to my best knowledge of things ^^