Moron Mobs

Moron Mobs


This is a mod that adds new weapons, ores, dimensions, mobs, a new overworld biome


The Charred Waste, Home of A Firey Mob

Mobs And Dimensions

The Blobs:

The Blobs Are Neutral: But They have effects if you get too close, in Order

Poison Blob: Gives Poison for 30 Seconds

Green Blob: No Effects

Air Blob: Gives Levitation

Fire Blob: Burns You

Electric Blob: Strikes Lightning

Ice Blob (Not Shown): Freezes You For a few seconds


The Fire Wizard

The Scorching Magician That Wanders The Charred Waste, Shoots Fireballs that Hurt, Doesn't Explode the Charred Stone, But if it gets near grass...

The Ice Wizard:

The Ice Wizard Shoots Icicles Ten Block Above You, It Hurts You And Freezes You If you come in contact

(Known Bug: Sometimes The Icicles Stay in the air and don't break instead of falling and then breaking, So when your Done Fighting You Can Break it to get rid of it)

The Paradise Mobs:

The Mob on the Left is a Glowshroomian, There Neutral But when you hit them they give you night vision

The Mob on the Right is the Dark Fungian, The Glowshroomian And Dark Fungian do not mix, And The Dark Fungian Give you Blindness When You Hit Them

The Little Blue Dots Are Flives, They are small, and deal a half heart with diamond armor, but they're only spawned by the mob in the Back,

The Mob Above The Portal is a Hiveling, They're aggressive but not by choice. The mob in the back is a secret ;)

 P.S. Images removed from them not working