Mortar and Pestle Mod

Mortar and Pestle Mod


The Mortar and Pestle Mod

Hi there!

Thanks for stopping by my thread to look at my mod. This is my very first mod for minecraft and indeed my first experience with Java in general. Regardless, I've still managed to put this mod together in less than 24 hours. So what is the Mortar and Pestle Mod? The Mortar and Pestle Mod was a simple Idea that I had that I deemed simple enough to help me learn Minecraft modding (and Java) without diving a little too far into the deep end. The initial idea was to add a new Item; the Mortar and Pestle and to try create a new recipe that would allow me to use the Mortar and Pestle to grind up a Bone to create more Bonemeal than what you'd have gotten from simple putting the bone into the crafting table... Needless to say, with thanks from those who write detailed tutorials; I succeeded and now have enough 'grind it up' recipes that I have myself my first small mod.

 Find this mod on the Minecraft Forums: here.

Okay, so show me some recipes...

Absolutely, here you go, nicely tucked up warm under this here spoiler. Nuh pix nuh clix, right?

I want to see it working..

Well I happen to have a Channel, and I enjoy making Youtube videos... Sooo, I threw one together to show case the mod.

Pfft, noob, probably doesn't even have a config file.

I know how Google works. I've ensure all recipes can be enabled and disabled, the output quantities are configurable

and I even added an alternate recipe for the Dyes that require a bottle of water. (Default: enabled)

# Configuration file

general {

# recipes
# Completely disable any recipes you do not wish to use by setting them to false; True to re-enable.

recipes {
B:"Allow Allium flowers to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Magenta Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Azure Bluet flowers to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Light Gray Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Blaze Rods to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Blaze Powder?"=true
B:"Allow Blue Orchids to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Light Blue Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Bones to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Bonemeal?"=true
B:"Allow Dandelions to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Yellow Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Double Tall Grass to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for Green Dye? (8 Grass, 7 if water bottle is required)"=true
B:"Allow Grass to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for Green Dye? (8 Grass, 7 if water bottle is required)"=true
B:"Allow Lilac flower to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Magenta Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Lilypads to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle to get Green Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Magma Cream to be made with Milk (1), Blaze Powder (5), Sugar (2) and the Mortar and Pestle?"=true
B:"Allow Melon to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional seeds?"=true
B:"Allow Orange Tulips to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Orange Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Oxeye Daisies to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Light Gray Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Peony Bushes to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Pink Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Pink Tulips to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Pink Dye?"=true
B:"Allow Poppy's to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional rose red dye?"=true
B:"Allow Pumpkin to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional seeds?"=true
B:"Allow Red Tulips to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional rose red dye?"=true
B:"Allow Rose Bushes to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional rose red dye?"=true
B:"Allow Sugar Cane to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Sugar?"=true
B:"Allow Sunflowers to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Yellow Dye?"=true
B:"Allow White Tulips to be crushed using the Mortar and Pestle for additional Light Gray Dye?"=true
B:"Allow slimeballs to be made with Milk (1), Sugar (5) and Lime Dye (2) and the Mortar and Pestle?"=true

# outputs
# Tweak the outputs produced by the Mortar and Pestle to your liking.

outputs {
I:"What is the output of Blaze Powder when Blaze Rods are crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 2, Crushed 3)"=3
I:"What is the output of Bonemeal when a Bone is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 3, Crushed 6)"=6
I:"What is the output of Cactus Green Dye when Double Tall Grass is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 0, Crushed 3)"=3
I:"What is the output of Cactus Green Dye when Grass is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 0, Crushed 1)"=1
I:"What is the output of Green Dye when a Lilypad is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 0, Crushed 1)"=1
I:"What is the output of Light Blue Dye when a Blue Orchid is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Light Gray Dye when a White Tulip is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Light Gray Dye when an Azure Bluet is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Light Gray Dye when an Oxeye Daisy is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Magenta Dye when a Lilac flower is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 2, Crushed 4)"=4
I:"What is the output of Magenta Dye when an Allium flower is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Magma Cream when mixing Milk, Blaze Powder and Sugar? (Default 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Melon Seed when crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Orange Dye when an Orange Tulip is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Pink Dye when a Peony bush is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 2, Crushed 4)"=4
I:"What is the output of Pink Dye when a Pink Tulip is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Pumpkin Seed when crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 4, Crushed 6)"=6
I:"What is the output of Rose Red when a Poppy is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2"=2
I:"What is the output of Rose Red when a Red Tulip is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Rose Red when a Rose Bush is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 2, Crushed 4)"=4
I:"What is the output of Slimeballs when mixing Milk, Sugar and Lime Dye? (Default 1)"=1
I:"What is the output of Sugar when Sugar Cane is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Yellow Dye when a Dandelion is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 1, Crushed 2)"=2
I:"What is the output of Yellow Dye when a Sunflower is crushed? (Vanilla Minecraft 2, Crushed 4)"=4

# extras
# A few additional options I thought may spice up the mod a little bit.

extras {
B:"When crushing flowers for dye, is a bottle of water also required in the recipe?"=true


Questions and Answers

Q) Does the Mortar and Pestle have durability or is consumed?

A) Durability. It has 32 uses before breaking.

Q) Can it be repaired?

A) No, I don't like how combining two items magically makes a single healthier one..

Q) What version is this for?

A) 1.7.10

Q) Can I use this in a Modpack

A) Sure, go ahead.

Credits and Thanks

To achieve this mod, I had used several resources which I am going to list below. If I can make a simple mod

using just a handful of resources, without posting a single request for help, in less than 24 hours; you have no excuse, Mr Wanna'be modder.

Go ahead and look up these.

TheXFactor117's Forge Modding Tutorials

Mr Googly