Re-imagined with simplicity for 1.12+
Note for MC 1.14.4 and newer builds: Doesn't require CoroUtil.
MC 1.12+ Features:
- Ledge climbing (use crouch key when aiming and pressing up against a ledge)
- Crawl anywhere! Sneak(shift) and run(ctrl) at same time to activate (requires installation on server for multiplayer support) (MC 1.16 only)
- Ground dodging
- Knockback resistence
- Works if only installed on the client (except crawling anywhere)
- Requires CoroUtil for MC 1.12 and older
MC 1.7.10 and older Features:
- Double jump
- Dodging
- Dodge jumping
- Wall jumping (currently no limit on how many you can do while in air)
- Boost Dodging
- Fall damage prevented for the velocities that these jumps add, but you can still hurt yourself if you fall too far
- Near complete configuration, open up %AppData%\Roaming\.minecraft\config\mod_MovePlus.cfg for tweaking / activating of new features
- Air control: Better movement ingame when at low speeds, subtle addition
- Speed jumping: Momentum boost if you jump immediately after landing
- Dodge toggle key, default 'Z' (configurable)
- Auto navigation to set waypoints (default off)
- Persistant running: hitting objects doesnt stop sprint
- Auto jump when against a block (default off)
- Needed on client side only
More info available at:
You may use the mod in any modpack you like.