Move Plus

Move Plus


Ledge climb does not work

GeminiMarshdevil opened this issue ยท 3 comments


ledge climb does not work or not enough information given on how to initiate it, on latest update


In my experience, Crouch/Shift never engaged it, but Sprint/Ctrl always does. Perhaps it was just a typographical error on Corosus' part.

If you think of Ctrl/Sprint as a signal to your Avatar to exert themself, it makes sense. This is the trigger to swim too.


I would love an option to config which key initiates it. I'd much rather use crouch than sprint.


The other options are kind of cool but I only really wanted this mod for the ledge climb - however I can't use it without being able to rebind the key, preferably to be the same as my jump key (which I've rebound from the default as well).

My other issue is that I already have a mod that adds crawling and it's also fairly-configurable to work with my custom control scheme. So would it be possible to add config options to rebind or disable each thing added by this mod individually?