Mow's Crystal Blocks

Mow's Crystal Blocks


Crystal Blocks for Minecraft 1.19+ Now Requires MowLib
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Crystal Blocks

64 Colors and A few Block Options (More to come later)

Make Crystal Stone using Amethyst surrounded by 8 of any 'Stone'
Make the Color Applicator by surrounding a piece of paper with 8 Crystal Stone

The Applicator can hold up to 8 colors at a time.

Ways to apply color to the applicator:

1. Apply colors to the Applicator by dropping red green or blue dye on the ground (up to 3 of each) and right clicking.
2. Crouch + Right Click the applicator from either hand onto a Crystal Blocks Block, and it'll remember that color.

3. Cycle between the (Up to 8) stored colors in the Applicator, crouch + right click with either hand in the air, or on any non crystal blocks block.

How to color Crystal Blocks:

1. Place the blocks, then with the Applicator in either hand, while the other hand is empty, right click on the blocks to apply the color.
2. With the Applicator in your offhand, while placing blocks with your main hand, the blocks placed will have the color automatically applied.

3. Similar to #1, you can re-color blocks by right clicking the applicator on it.