Mr G Reapers Starmod.(craft those netherstars)


Ok so this is my first mod, you can often find me livestreaming (see faq for the link) Now updated to minecraft 1.6.2
Also uses forges obfuscation....whats that i hear you ask? well it means that baring any drastic changes to forge, this version should work on all future minecraft versions (should) however its designed for 1.6.2 and forge 803 (may work on lower forges too)
tested on 1.5
tested on 1.5.1
tested on 1.5.2
tested on 1.6.2
ok renember how i had a hardcore version and a normal version? well now they are both one and the same, it defaults to hardcore mode (sorry but the coding required that) to put it in normal mode merely open up starmod.cfg (located in your config folder inside minecraft) and change hardcore mode = true to false. viola old recipie back
i added a few other bits too but nothing major...yet!

So, Mr G Reaper what is this mod? ..well im glad i asked myself that. A few weeks ago a few mods started using nether stars in their recipes, Me and my friend mole (thats his nickname...hes not an animal of the nocturnal digging persuasion well ok he plays minecraft at night...hmmm ok) spent 3 hours hunting down a stronghold and killing wither skeletons ....we came away with one skull.
Clearly something needed to be done! so instead of moaning about it...i made a mod...this is the mod...i added my own unique twisted humour to it a bit

The Normal version: (aka hardcore mode = false)

First you need to make a corpse of a bunny, you do this with carrots (every carrot contains 25% dormant bunny DNA absorbed from close proximity to the evil little critters), place them in the corners as shown and Dirt in the center (natural home and lair of the vile creatures)

You will then need the tear of an orphan, nothing has more concentrated power then the tears of a small orphan, known cohorts of the vile bunny empire. This recipe uses the ender perl to transport the flints and glass jar to the real world realm where the flints seek out the nearest orphan with a balloon and pop it (the balloon not the orphan...I am not THAT mean) the glass collects the tears of the orphan and is hurtled back to the minecraft world, through a process known as glass-unskilledith-modder-transmognification it becomes a tear and the glass is lost...hold the tear to your ear and you can hear the distant cry`s of the orphan (so wish i could figure out how to add sounds to the game....)

Now, using the power of redstone, focused through the four diamonds you infuse the lifeless bunny with the power from the orphan tear (Thank you little timmy!) and you have in your hands one of natures most evil creations! The Bunny, be warned i WILL not be held responsible for the evil this creature may wreak across your world (dont worry its only an item)

Place the Bunny into a furnace or furnace like device, make sure it can not escape! The pure evil inside the creature will crystallize around the diamond particles left from the life giving stage and will form a nether star, the bunny itself is burned away and returns to the nether that once spawned it.

Hardcore version (aka hardcore mode = true) default version

Ok so many cried "your mod is OP" and though i do not think it is, i wanted to give them a version they can love too and here it is:

all the stages are the same except the last one:

Place the Bunny into a furnace or furnace like device, make sure it can not escape! The fires burn away the bunny flesh, leaving just the bones and particles of pure evil, this rearrange before your very eyes into a wither skull, The Blackened skull seems to be mocking you, laughing at you, for it knows soon you will face a wither...or use it to decorate your mantle piece know its your skull use how you like.



The download links are:
click on the download tab ;)
And look ...its not adfly`d!
yep i have started to feel adfly is slowly ruining the minecraft community, how many times has it been down and ment no access to mods? or been blocked due to some of the ads being infected(trust me it happens) so from now on i wont use adfly on new versions. in the highly unlikely event you want to give me money, pm me for my paypal

simply drag the zip file into your mods folder

My mod makes a config called starmod.cfg inside the config folder where all ids can be changed, it also trys to automaticly make sure that its not conflicting with other mods (god bless forge!)

This is a forge mod so works on both server and client with the same file

version 1.2
updated to 1.6.2
version 1.1
updated to mc 1.5
using forges new obfuscation methods
added flavor text to mouse over
merged both hardcore and normal with config option to choose which one
10% awesomeness added (give or take 10%)
version 1.0
made the config file stop adding 256 to the ids! yay
given permission for the new textures thank you NyaoDragon!
added new textures
made a hardcore version
released the mod (yep im that happy with it!)
improved the mcf page as best as a dyslexic can do
made the config file work
added intermidiate recipie (orphan tear) to balance it out a little
tidyed the pictures a bit
added transparentcy to the textrueres (THANKS Chay for doing the bunnys) still need better textures though
added mcmod info file
added logo (another placeholder)
tidyed the code a little
really thats all i took me like 7 hours! what am i doing with my life?
innitial release


Why bunnies Mr G reaper?
A long time ago i ran a bukkit server and a method to add mods came to it known as itemcraft(i think) this was before the days of mcportcentral! now it was a fantastic idea but before its time , adding a popular creature mod proved to be our servers undoing, the log grew to gigs in size in seconds as every plugin complained they couldn't deal with the new entities, specifying the first entity it came to ...entity.bunny with our logs full of bunnies are plugins screaming at us we had to ditch it, as server admin (ie guy who had to fix everything) i was left with a deep loathing for the evil little bunnies.
Its been along running joke for nearly 2 years now on my lets plays and live streams, see a bunny ...remove it from existence!
Its even in our new servers rules "kill any bunnies on sight(this is an ingame only rule)"
I do not condone actual bunny harm though...dont do that..really!

Your mod is OP!
no, nothing in minecraft is truely "over powered" the game is what you make it, i happen to think my hardcore version is way too expensive for example, but im sure some will say the diamonds need to be diamond blocks etc.

You mentioned you live stream?
Yes, yes i do, most nights, join the chat and say hi (ignore Igor my bot, he is sometimes grouchy )

Can you make me a....
Let me stop you there, this is a rather basic mod compared to whats out there, but its taken me a few days to get right. Im not skilled enough to take requests.

Your bunny textures dont match?
Well spotted... im no artist so i had to find what i could use for free and get permission to use be honest i absolutely love the dead bunny texture! its pretty darn awsome..ofcourse the other two my mate provided are cool too

Your evil/your mods evil
No im not its not, I do not condone actual harm to any animal, the bunny evilness is a semi inside joke but there are references to evil bunnys outside of my lets plays, a popular character in the tv series Buffy absolutely hated bunnys and classed then as evil (she will always have a place in my heart for that), Monty Python had a killer evil bunny (with nasty sharp pointy little teeth). I have taken pains to ensure that the flavor text is something that will make those that know me laugh and those that do not know me at least chuckle, and i have attempted to justify why each stage works.

Any mod pack can use my mod, a simple "hay im using your mod" would be nice though :)


This document is Copyright ©2013 and is the intellectual
property of the author. Only, and is able to host any of my material without my (mrgreaper) consent. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. If you mirror this mod page or anything I've made on any other site, I mrgreaper may express my angst at you in the form of a lawsuit.
Any authorized sites must link to my adfly link not my direct files. Unless specifically agreed with me otherwise.

Special Thanks to:
People of #direwolf20 for support and kind words about my mod (you guys are awesome)
Nyaodragon of for permission to use the awesome dead bunny texture.
My friend who wants to stay anonymous for the other textures (she has friends with bunnys)
People of #minecraftforge for putting up with my noob questions
Chay of for the awesome list (you make keeping my server updated a breeze)

Mod Spot light by WTFG33ks (older version)

[media] [/media]

Mod Spot light byDanaPlaysMC (older version)

[media] [/media]

I dont know why the spoilers and media tags are not working, they were fine on the forum

i have tried to make it a tidy as possible though