MrPlague's Warper Origin

MrPlague's Warper Origin


MrPlague's Warper Origin
By MrPlague

A complex origin with a personal warp network and the ability to create holograms of terrain in other dimensions.
This mod is an addon for the Origins mod! Pehkui is also recommended, but is not required.

Interdimensional Sight

- Press your primary ability key to enter an out-of-body state, creating a projection of the terrain around you
- Press WASD to move the display around
- Left/Right click to view the terrain in different dimensions
- The End is not available by default, but becomes accessible upon visiting a stronghold

Warp Network

- Press your secondary ability key to toggle access on/off
- When access is enabled, enter Interdimensional Sight and press hotbar keys 1-6 to set warp points
- Exit Interdimensional Sight and press hotbar keys 1-6 to teleport to your warp points
- Warp points reset when you close your client!


- When attacked, you are inflicted with the Overloading effect for 3 seconds

- Overloading prevents you from using Interdimensional Sight or Warp Network

- Upon teleporting to a Warp Point, you are inflicted with the Overloading and Imminence effects for 3 seconds
- Imminence grants you a single supercrit, allowing you to ambush nearby enemies


- While sprinting, hold crouch to slide on the ground for a momentum boost and hitbox decrease
- While in midair and adjacent to a wall, press jump to leap off of it
- You cannot slide or walljump while starving


- You quickly evolve to fit the dimension you are in
- Overworld boosts your walking and swimming speeds, but increases hunger drain and fire damage
- Nether increases your mining speed and fire resistance, but increases damage taken, makes water damaging, and restricts your diet to meat
- End increases your air speed and fall resistance, but reduces mining speed, makes fire and water more harmful, and restricts your diet to plants

- Colorful particles float around you to indicate the dimension you have adapted to (not visible in first person)


- Your natural spawnpoint switches between Overworld and Nether
- If you have visited a stronghold, your spawnpoint randomly switches between all three dimensions

Warping Form

- Your health is decreased by 3 hearts
- Your attack speed is reduced by 0.6
- Your armor level drains with your health

Signal Interference

- You cannot use ender pearls or nether portals