Mulberry Items & Blocks

Mulberry Items & Blocks


(Fabric only)


This mod adds a bunch of Mulberry related items and blocks into the game such as 

mulberry planks and logs, mulberry jam and even more!


I am currently unable to update the mod to 1.19.3, working on it though!


You can also check out my other mods by clicking this link


Here are some pictures showcasing the mod:



Features List:

1. Mulberry & mulberry jam

2. New sliced bread item to craft Mulberry Sandwiches!

3. The Mulberry tree, found only in the Meadow biome

4. Mulberry block family (planks, logs, stairs and such...)


Future Features List:

- Add mulberry doors & other blocks (fences, fence gates, pressure plates...)

- Add a painting related to the mulberry tree

- If you have any suggestions, leave a comment (:



Crafting Recipes: