The mod adds a new ingot, the multi ingot, All of the items in the mod are connected to it and it is the main feature of the mod.
A list of the items with a quick description, recipe & an ingredients list:
Multi Ingot
-The most powerful ingot yet, It is made using Minecraft's most expensive, strong and durable minerals.
- Recipe:
-Ingredients list (one of each) - Iron Ingot, Diamond, Redstone Dust, Coal, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Netherite Ingot, Gold Ingot & Nether Star.
Iron Stick
- Literally an iron stick, nothing special.
- Recipe:
-Ingredients list - 2 Iron Ingots.
Multi Sword:
-A powerful sword made from the multi ingot and iron. By harnessing the ingot's power the sword is able to give the player speed & jump boost while holding it.
-Ingredients list - 2 Multi Ingots & 1 Iron Stick.
Multi Pickaxe
-The strong, fast paced multi pickaxe is effecting the player with haste & luck.
-Ingredients list - 3 Multi Ingots & 2 Iron Sticks.
Multi Axe:
-A very powerful, mighty and heavy axe made from the toughest mineral in Minecraft, buffs the player with strength and haste but due to it's heavy weight debuffs the player with slowness.
-Ingredients list - 3 Multi Ingots & 2 Iron Sticks.
Multi Shovel:
- A super fast shovel with the ability to add to the player defense by giving him resistance but in the process reduces the attack with weakness while holding it.
-Ingredients list - 1 Multi Ingot & 2 Iron Sticks.
UPDATE 1.1.0!
- Texture change to the Multi Ingot
The Multi Potato is a very delicious and powerful food, It's saturation & nutrition value are very high & it comes with special effects:
• SPEED 1, duration: 2 minutes
• JUMP BOOST 2, duration: 1 minute and 40 seconds
• RESISTANCE 2, duration: 1 minute and 50 seconds
• STRENGTH 2, duration: 1 minute and 30 seconds.
• ABSORPTION 3, duration: 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
The last effect is a debuff caused from all of the power the player is getting from the potato:
• NAUSEA, duration: 10 seconds
-Ingredients list - 1 Multi Ingot & 4 potatoes.