A simple mod that adds a variety of shields to the game, each with their ow effects!
Wooden Shield:
A simple wood and stone shield with low durability (150 durability) and minor slowness while using.
Stone Shield:
A heavy tone shield that can take a few hits (450 durability) before crumbling in your hands.
This shield is a constant burden, and can feel quite heavy when blocking attacks.
Iron Shield:
A fairly hefty shield with some serious stopping power behind that wont break so easily while defending attacks (600 durability).
You feel well protected while hiding behind its sheen.
Gold Shield:
A weak (150 durability) golden quartz shield seems almost pliable in your hands.
However it's glows seem to soften the incoming blows.
Diamond Shield:
A mighty shield that could take blows from a thousand archers (1050 durability) seems to imbue its power into you.
It seems as if just holding the shield makes you that much stronger!
Obsidian Shield:
A shield so heavy and strong nothing seems to be able to break it.
Just holding it is more than a workout even for the strongest of fellows.
This mod is the official release of Murky's Many Shields,
Please email me at [email protected] with any questions, concerns, or ideas!
Thank you, Have a good day :)
Future Update Plans:
Murky's Many Shields Future Bug Update (1.1):
-Obsidian shield dupe bug fixed
-Obsidian shield stacking bug fixed
-Iron shield remodeled
-Redstone shield added
-Configuration options added
Murky's Many Shields Future Content (The "Natural Update") Update (1.2):
-Mod migration to 1.15.2
-Reclassified base shields Into the "Mineable" Group
-Added Natural shield group
-Moved Wooden Shield to Natural shields group
-Added Brick Shield to Natural shields group
-Added Dirt Shield to Natural shields group
-Add Grass Shield to Natural shields group