It is a mod that adds a variety of mushrooms for food or decoration.
-Agrocybe aegerita, found in Poplar Forest
-Amanita cesaria, found in Savana
-Boletus edulis, found in Forest
-Craterellus cornucopioides, found in Dark forest and Deep dark
-Morchella, found in Snowy taiga
-Lactarius deliciosus, found in Old growth spruce
-Truffle, found in the roots of azalea and lush caves
-Amanita Muscaria, found in big forest and Old growth spruce taiga
-Amanita Phaloides, found in Mangrove swamp
-Clathrus Archeri, found in Wooden badlands
-Conocybe, found in Bamboo jungle
-Macrolepiota Procera: found in Old growth spruce
-Hydnellum Peckii: found in Stony peaks
-Mycena Chlorophos: found in Dark forest
-Fomes Fomentarius: found in Big oak trees
My Mods: