- 1
Missing attributes
#35 opened by GatoLeyo - 2
[Suggestion] Different Texture File For Creeper Minion
#36 opened by selened - 0
[Suggestion] API support
#37 opened by HungTeen - 0
1.19 port
#39 opened by gohkenytp - 0
Creeper minion is hostile to other players
#40 opened by KuroNoSeiHai - 1
mutant skeleton leggings have a secondary recipe that looks like it was meant for the arms
#1 opened by lag42 - 1
Hulk Hammer / onLivingUpdateEvent doesn't work with a dedicated server.
#2 opened by Vaelzan - 3
Random crash
#3 opened by runescapejon - 1
Crash: ClientPlayerEntity should not be used on a dedicated server.
#4 opened by Vaelzan - 2
null error with one probe mod
#6 opened by runescapejon - 1
[Crash] NullPointerException caused by Endersoul Fragment ticking.
#8 opened by Vaelzan - 2
Bug: Crash with Mob Rebirth-1.12.2
#12 opened by Snapshotlight - 1
Ticking Entity: Mutant Enderman
#13 opened by VoiidInVaiin - 2
Loading Error
#14 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Creeper minion is hostile to all entities.
#16 opened by BadTimeInbound - 1
The 1.15.2 version crashes when installed on a dedicated server
#17 opened by rikka0w0 - 1
Unusual cross compat issue
#18 opened by Sunconure11 - 2
1.16.1 - biomeWhitelist keeps resetting to default
#19 opened by bessiq - 1
1.16.1Method public static void?
#20 opened by Aikini - 0
No branches of 1.12.2 and other versions
#21 opened by Snapshotlight - 2
Server Crashed when using hulk's hammer: Ticking players
#22 opened by Yangyi12138 - 1
[1.16.3] Crash when mutant creeper explode
#23 opened by Blugori - 1
[1.16.3] Mobs don't utitlize BiomeDictionary to spawn
#24 opened by BugmanBugman - 1
Crash on latest version of forge, related to endersoul
#25 opened by BugmanBugman - 1
suggestion/bug: add an endersoul clone spawn egg
#27 opened by GatoLeyo - 4
[1.16.4]Mod advice
#28 opened by EnterFor - 0
qustion: new mutants?
#30 opened by kuroyure - 1
Mutant Zombie turns invincible/invisible?
#31 opened by Dkhaynes - 1
[Question] Mobs spawn frecuently in the world or i need to summon them?
#32 opened by AlvaroN1997 - 1
Skeleton Mutant issue
#33 opened by abibak