Mutant Monsters [Forge & Fabric]

Mutant Monsters [Forge & Fabric]


[Bug]: Mutant Enderman and Endersoul Clones aren't teleporting properly

Yellowbross opened this issue ยท 1 comments


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mutant enderman seems to have some problems in its teleporting aspect.

-its teleport doesn't actually move it
(this can be reproduced a number of ways but the easiest would probably be to just pay attention while fighting it. expected behavior is that its teleport would move it obviously)

-when it or its endersoul clones do teleport, it seems like they're trying to teleport into the air, which in the endersoul clones' case breaks the attack since the mutant enderman and potentially its clones will take fall damage
(to reproduce: force the mutant enderman to teleport in some way on a superflat world, and watch for where it looks like it's trying to teleport. expected behavior is that the mutant enderman and its clones would teleport only like a block above the ground instead of somewhere into the air)

screenshot below shows the "teleporting into the air" bug:
2023-04-20_19 47 37

latest.log (Optional)

No response


Thanks for reporting! Fixed in v4.0.3.