- 1
[Crash]: Equipping Mutant Skeleton Armor causes crash
#71 opened by CCrown04 - 0
[Crash]: Mutant Skeleton Caused A Crash
#69 opened by Rymka69 - 1
[Suggestion]: add a config???
#53 opened by aqua-air - 2
[Crash]: Creeper Egg crash due to spamming right click on it to mount and dismount java.lang.StackOverflowError
#54 opened by Lerrycapetime - 1
[Bug]: MutantMonsters causing rendering issues with manic mod
#55 opened by MakkuroJoKeRGod - 0
[Bug]: Pseudo Crash caused by this mod
#56 opened by Daralexen05 - 0
[Crash]: {Incompatibility} 1.19.2-4.0.6 w/ Guard Villagers
#57 opened by togera13 - 1
[Crash]: won't launch game with this mod
#59 opened by freakfamily - 2
[Bug]: config not showing up when I add to bisect hosting server.
#58 opened by Coolthingiguess - 1
[Bug]: Hulk Hammer no particles
#60 opened by makumaku1974 - 0
[Suggestion]: Common Protection API support (or some other implementation to stop claim bypassing)
#61 opened by muon-rw - 0
[Suggestion]: Repair item for mutant skeleton armor
#67 opened by Fuzss - 0
[Bug]: Server Crash
#62 opened by DonorKrovi - 1
[Crash]: when mutant skeletion attack | 1.20.1 fabric
#63 opened by Surpos0 - 1
[Crash]: Can't start the game without crashing
#64 opened by Yuiro112 - 1
[Suggestion]: add a config to blacklist or whirtelist blocks from the endersoul hand pickup ability
#65 opened by BowBoy1 - 6
[Bug]: Hulk Hammer looks like a regular item when held in hand.
#66 opened by zanyahtzee - 1
Mutant enderman wayy too common in the end
#68 opened by Aceplante - 1
[Bug]: More Mutant Enderman And Mutant Skeleton Spawns Than There Should Be
#36 opened by MysticWolfy - 1
[Bug]: Mutant Monsters Config Doesn't Change Anything
#37 opened by MysticWolfy - 1
[Bug]: Mutant Zombie Dissappear and Chemical X recipe
#38 opened by kriskooz - 0
[Bug]: The Mutant Skeleton Skull allows you to spam fully charged arrows
#39 opened by RecyclingTiger - 2
[Crash]: Chemical X splash on zombie crashes
#40 opened by peachpotato - 1
[Crash]: EndersoulFragment cannot be cast
#42 opened by KaratFeng - 0
[Crash]: I'm not sure how it crashed
#41 opened by KaratFeng - 1
[Suggestion]: Mutant Zombie & Skeleton should rarely spawn wearing Carved Pumpkins or Jack o' Lanterns on Halloween
#45 opened by Yellowbross - 1
[Crash]: Mutant Enderman Client Crash
#44 opened by Mikeatron-User - 1
[Suggestion]: Nerf Skeleton 💀
#46 opened by chonkyman - 1
[Bug]: Mutant Zombie health resets to normal after re-spawn with RPG Difficulty Mod
#47 opened by douglasg14b - 1
[Crash]: Crash trying to render mutant enderman
#48 opened by Sketano - 1
[Crash]: Mutant Enderman crashed Clientside
#49 opened by VenaticTea395 - 1
[Crash]: Mutant Zombie's throw attack crashed the game
#50 opened by Yellowbross - 4
Mutant zombie wayyy too common
#52 opened by Aceplante - 2
[Suggestion]: Config option to disable Endersoul Hand teleportation
#51 opened by kineticV - 0
[Bug]: i cant craft the chemical x
#73 opened by Andeeeeer - 0
[Crash]: Ticking Entity
#74 opened by Karashok-Leo - 0
[Bug]: Block protection from explosion in OPAC doesn't work for mutant creeper
#75 opened by Karashok-Leo - 3
[Bug]: list of bugs and suggestions
#76 opened by peow - 0
[Bug]: I cant change endersoul_hand_teleport_distance
#77 opened by Hadi2007 - 1
[Bug]: the mod now working and the mobs are normal not
#79 opened by solomo12 - 0
[Suggestion]: creeper
#80 opened by rjdxxxxxccc - 2
[Bug]: Mutant zombie vanishes after falling to the ground for the first time, but it is still able to fight me
#81 opened by WojciechGiermanek - 0
[Suggestion]: compatibility with creeper/enderman overhaul
#82 opened by poiiscool - 0
[Suggestion]: Skeleton Revival
#83 opened by TeddyBear-YT - 0
[Bug]: Conflit with Mutant Monster and Puzzlelib
#84 opened by Anonyku05 - 1
[Suggestion]: 1.21.0 version
#85 opened by cyliamargatroid - 0
#86 opened by SAMEKXD - 0
#88 opened by MiDestroyer - 0
[Bug]: Charged Mutant Creeper doesn't glow
#89 opened by Cicopath - 0
I have translate the mod in french
#92 opened by Mozork01