- 4
Yellorium and Uranium seeds issue
#151 opened by Yhuxz - 10
Core Remover broken
#150 opened by tyler489 - 0
[1.12.2 Suggestion] Apple Recipe in Nature Essence
#149 opened by Yhuxz - 5
License not available
#148 opened by arcriley - 3
#147 opened by tyler489 - 1
[1.12.2 Suggestion] Add support to use Andesite, Diorite & Granite in Recipes
#146 opened by Morpheus1101 - 3
[Suggestion] Toggle-able Set Bonuses / Toggle-able Step Assist
#145 opened by Spazley - 2
astral sorcery seeds do not work with TE phytogenic insulator
#144 opened by bogger33 - 1
Config for essence
#143 opened by zabory - 3
[Request] Fluxed Electrum Seed
#142 opened by GWSheridan - 2
Empty Stack for enderio Recipys
#141 opened by tyler489 - 5
Yellorite is oredicted with Uranium
#140 opened by tyler489 - 1
Recipes should be JSON
#139 opened by josephcsible - 0
Essence recipes differ only in grid position and flipping
#138 opened by josephcsible - 2
Is there a way to tell what tier a growing crop is on the ground?
#135 opened by oliverjanik - 1
Question: How big is Growth Accelerator Range?
#133 opened by Tyranuss - 1
Block of Supremium registered as 'blockSuperium' in OreDictionary
#132 opened by OneEyeMaker - 3
Please remove auto-jump feature from supremium armor
#131 opened by croftyraider - 8
1.10 Weirdness with Thermal Dynamics
#130 opened by jamzam90 - 1
[Request] Add compatabilty for Botania/Quark dispenser planting.
#129 opened by The-Arcanian - 1
Lag triggered by crafting higher tier essences
#128 opened by dlipchenko - 8
suggestions ore integrations
#127 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
Uranium 238 Essence has no recipe
#126 opened by SparkyBx - 0
Growth Accelerator does nothing
#125 opened by uehlbran - 3
When removing an essence, recipes requiring it should also be removed.
#124 opened by ManMan36 - 2
About the inferium seeds in garden cloche.
#123 opened by JimMoen - 0
Add Dawnstone seeds for Embers
#122 opened by BlakeBr0 - 0
Add menril wood recipe?
#121 opened by ouroborus - 1
[Suggestion] Fuel for charms
#119 opened by xenoflot - 7
[Suggestion] Slow down the progress
#118 opened by xenoflot - 0
[Req] Add defence against the Guardian's debuff
#117 opened by xenoflot - 1
Incorrect Block Ore Dicts
#116 opened by TheLimePixel - 1
Make a wiki
#115 opened by RoyalReject - 0
Incorrect OreDictionary names for blocks
#114 opened by OneEyeMaker - 0
fertilized essence won't drop 1.10.2
#113 opened by bradv2 - 1
Step assist reseting step height to wrong value when armor is taken off.
#112 opened by winauer - 1
[1.12.2] Latest update 1.6.5 drops support for rustic iron wood and others?
#111 opened by Gepett0 - 0
Generic oredictionary entries for seeds
#109 opened by BlakeBr0 - 0
Skystone seeds for Applied Energistics
#108 opened by BlakeBr0 - 1
Incorrect work of growth acceleration system.
#107 opened by StrikerPro007 - 0
Slate seeds for rustic
#106 opened by BlakeBr0 - 8
Silicon can't be crafted with RefinedStorage loaded
#105 opened by PongoSapiens - 7
Watering cans cannot be automated with the ExUtil2 Mechanical User even with config enabled
#104 opened - 2
(Tier 5) Paxel cannot harvest some blocks from other mods.
#103 opened by vincebae - 3
Can't fly with Tier 5 Armors
#102 opened by vincebae - 0
Crops use Deprecated getDrops method
#101 opened by Shadows-of-Fire - 2
Craft silicon essence into Refined Storage silicon
#100 opened by cortus - 0
[1.12] Missing Texture and Localization
#99 opened by TheLimePixel - 1
i cant plant tier 1 crafting seeds
#98 opened by LocoMinerDad - 0
Minor optimization to Growth Accelerator
#97 opened by ouroborus