Myths and Magic

Myths and Magic


"Explore the world of legends and myths you've only heard as bedtime stories or in History class!"

This mod is going to be compatible with the new Magic and Artifice mod! (won't be a dependency as this will be also standalone)

Fight the Minotaur in Daedalus's Labyrinth like Theseus!

Fight Ladon and steal an Apple of Immortality like Heracles (not actual immortality just gives resistance 100 for limited time)

Choose a Patron (essentially Godly parent - important for Godly food and items)

Choose your Pantheon! Greek or Roman! (When one is chosen it CANNOT be changed without a very long and complicated ritual - or deleting player data till I create the ritual)

Craft Imperial Gold or Celestial Bronze weapons and be a proper follower of the Gods! 


Note: all these features are currently NOT in the mod as it is in Alpha and will be a WIP for quite a long time...

Our Discord - Join for updates as soon as the .jar is exported (no more waiting for CF to verify the .jar and progression updates as I progress!

You can use this mod in Modpacks but you may NOT redistribute it without it being a DIRECT LINK to this curseforge page.

Description updated: 13th December 2020