P2P Tunnel - ME Interface doesn't work with ME Patterns Interface from AE2 UEL: Extended
skyol1 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
ME Patterns Interface (Interface with more slots for patterns) from AE2 UEL: Extended cannot push items through the P2P tunnel to the destination.
Versions: NAE2 1.6.1; AE2 UEL: Extended v0.55.30-0.4
The initial problem was that I have many recipes for say twenty identical machines and therefore I have to use more than one ME interface. But it seems that connected ME tunnels cannot take input from more than one ME interface, so I need to attach one new tunnel to the same machine for each new ME interface with new patterns.
This is completely on AE2 UEL: Extended. Interface tunnels are expected to work with anything that is an IInterfaceHost
and has an interface duality. From what I can see, DualityInterfaceAdv
is implemented as a separate class without any kind of inheritance, thus axing support on their end itself.
For future reference, NAE2 only supports AE2UEL.