- 0
suggestion: universal wireless terminal
#31 opened by Niels1006 - 2
Request for special io port and drive bay
#32 opened by CactusCool - 0
Info display not correct
#33 opened by jk1895 - 0
[Request] ME Beam Former - Low rendering distance
#34 opened by jk1895 - 0
Counter disappeared
#35 opened by jk1895 - 0
Request for super storage cells
#36 opened by CactusCool - 0
#37 opened by OnlySole-IN - 1
P2P Tunnel - ME Interface doesn't work with ME Patterns Interface from AE2 UEL: Extended
#38 opened by skyol1 - 1
1024k and above fluid cell overflow
#39 opened by StaffiX - 2
Add Mekanism Support to replace AEAdditions
#44 opened by mczph - 5
[BUG] PartBeamFormer crashes.
#46 opened by KasumiNova - 3
Uneven distribution of P2P ME Interface resources
#45 opened by TheTzdDark - 0
[BUG] Throws an error when the PartBeamFormer connects to another network containing a security terminal, but does not crash the game.
#47 opened by KasumiNova - 0
Enhancement: Add Bulk Item Storage Cell
#48 opened by Semetix - 1
ME Interface P2P Tunnels
#49 opened by RuiXuqi - 0
Allow use of multi-tool's replacement function when right-clicked on Interface Terminal
#50 opened by windyknight - 1
[request] Compatible with ExtraCell/AEAdditions
#52 opened by zeng-github01 - 1
[Suggestion] Additional molecular assemblers
#53 opened by LunaFreyjaNox - 1
[Bug] ME Interface P2P does not respect blocking mode with Ignore Fluid.
#54 opened by AveryAndCompany - 8
Add an option to override NotEnoughEnergistics
#57 opened by Semetix - 0
[Enhancement] Backport Applied Botanics Addon
#55 opened by Semetix - 0
Texture of 16x and 64x Crafting Co-Processing Unit being swapped
#56 opened by BlazeHunterVN1610 - 3
modpack crashing when adding nae2 to it
#58 opened by MahoXD2 - 3
ME interface rendering error
#61 opened by zeng-github01 - 1
[Suggestion] Interface Terminal compatibility improvements for Interface P2P
#63 opened by Exaxxion - 2
Items not outputing to interface p2p's
#64 opened by Adix1120 - 1
[BUG] P2P Interfaces.
#66 opened by Artiks54 - 1
Job Auto-Complete Card is not supporting Dual Interface
#69 opened by szukar - 0
[Request] Migrate Extracell/Aeadditions
#70 opened by zeng-github01 - 0
[Bug] Interface Terminal Mutil-Pattern-Tool missing button
#67 opened by zeng-github01 - 0
Add Larger Gas Storage Cell
#72 opened by zeng-github01 - 0
Add the dual interface and fluid interface to the list of items that allow to change ME P2Ps into Interface P2P
#73 opened by D-Alessian - 0
[Bug] Beam Former cause visual bugs for certain transparent blocks after switching dimensions
#74 opened by kurrycat2004 - 1
Programed Circuit Cards not compatable with Dual Interfaces
#75 opened by 1xFF - 0
Feature suggestion: [+] button support when configuring interfaces
#77 opened by doniascion - 0
Pattern Multi Tool bug
#79 opened by Giehek - 0
Dupe with storage exposer
#80 opened by FubyCutie - 0
[Enhancement] Interface Redstone Signal on craft
#82 opened by nzeng8 - 0
Requieres mixinbooter bug
#81 opened by skaviouz - 0
[BUG] Unknown Crash
#83 opened by KasumiNova - 1
Request: AE2FC compat for Programmed Circuit Card
#84 opened by ChromaPIE - 0
ME Interface P2P functionality problem with GT Fluid Hatches
#85 opened by ChromaPIE - 4
Dual Interface (from AE2FC) not accepting programmed circuit cards
#86 opened by Nate231255Khoo - 0
"Ctrl Click to Craft Missing Items" deletes Items already in the ME-System when using wireless crafting Terminal
#87 opened by tezeg41 - 1
Programmed Circuit Card from NAE2 Can't Go In Dual Interface?
#89 opened by Gamefreaknet - 0
Work out a way to "Full-block-ify" ME Interface P2P
#90 opened by ChromaPIE - 0
Pattern Multi-Tool: Add a way to clear the given item from patterns instead of replacing it
#93 opened by ChromaPIE - 1
Fatal crash. Can no longer enter the save
#91 opened by ChromaPIE - 0
Items pushed to Reconstruction Chamber by autocrafting ignores stack size limit
#94 opened by ChromaPIE - 0
Terminal search backport
#95 opened by NuanKi