Feature suggestion: [+] button support when configuring interfaces
doniascion opened this issue ยท 0 comments
When making a setup a major part of the work is finding the recipe in HEI and then bringing up each ingredient to set them in the interface(s) the setup will be pulling from. This is a lot of busywork that involves a lot of clicking and little thinking, so it gets tedious when doing many setups.
To reduce the amount of clicking and dragging I suggest adding support for the [+] button when an interface/fluid interface is open. Clicking the button would add all the items or fluids respectively to the configuration of the interface in the amounts set in the pattern, kind of like in a pattern terminal.
This can also be extended to other machines such as storage buses, but the issue is most relevant for interfaces.
Thank you for your work on the greatest mod in 1.12.