ME Interface P2P functionality problem with GT Fluid Hatches
ChromaPIE opened this issue ยท 0 comments
There has been several updates. Just scroll all the way down and read the last part of the whole thing.
If things were working as I thought it'd be, the Circuit slot in the Input Bus would be correctly configured, items in, fluid in, progress went brrr then done. Everything else was working as intended but the P2P attached to the Bus wasn't doing anything to the Circuit Slot.
It works fine when directly targeting the Dual Interface at the Bus, so I guess it's just that the P2P wasn't very happy about it.
UPDATE: Further test
First I tested without any fluid involved. Coded 1x Steel Ingot and 1x 1
Circuit to 1x Steel Plate. Items sent to the Bus, circuit configured successfully. The recipe should run with no problem.
Then I added 1000mB of Oxygen to the pattern, but tried with the regular Output Hatch first. Fluid sent, items sent but not to the Bus, instead it sent them to the item slot in the Hatch where you can fill or empty it with any fluid tanks, and Circuit not configured.
At last, as has the screenshot shown above, I replaced the Hatch with a Quadruple Hatch with no item slot. Fluid sent, items not sent, Circuit not configured.
Also, seems like when the interface has outputs to more than 1 storage, even if there's nothing fluid-related, there's still a chance the Circuit fails to be configured.
UPDATE: Did even more tests
I'mma just conclude it here:
- The ME Interface P2P is not (fully) compatible with the Fluid part of the Dual Interface and P2P Tunnel - ME Dual Interface is only a thing on 1.7.10, from the GTNH edition of AE2FCR. So it's not on Neeve's addition's side.
- If the recipe contains no item input, for single block machines it works as expected but for multiblocks, it fails to do anything to the circuit slot in the Input Bus. One workaround is to add a dummy item to the input, but that means you have to manually take the items out from time to time, which can be pretty damn annoying especially for an endgame player. But thanks to the Voiding cover, we can just void the dummy input and the circuit slot can still be configured.