Neeve's AE2: Extended Life Additions

Neeve's AE2: Extended Life Additions


Add an option to override NotEnoughEnergistics

Semetix opened this issue ยท 8 comments


NotEnoughEnergistics has a Ctrl + Click function like NAE2. On Wireless Terminals this function does not work, because of NEE.

I would appreciate if there was a function to override the NEE feature and use NAE2s instead, since there was no activity on NEE's end to fix this bug.



The modpack I play uses both mods and NEE has essential components, so it will not be removed. It was suggested to report to the author of NAE2 to add this option.


Just remove it


what does NEE do that both AE2UEL and NAE2 don't? i'm pretty sure that all of the functionality from NEE has already been implemented betweeb AE2UEL and NAE2.


what does NEE do that both AE2UEL and NAE2 don't? i'm pretty sure that all of the functionality from NEE has already been implemented betweeb AE2UEL and NAE2.

So there is actually no need in Not Enough Energistics, like at all? When I was suggesting to implement NAE2 into E2E-Extended, I didn't think of NEE being fully (presumably) surpassed by such mods, and modpack's author didn't search of it either.


So here's list of NEE features... if all of them are surpassed by Extended Life or Neeve's, then we are fools and will remove NEE when possible:
Screenshot_2024-04-28-23-46-21-566_com android chrome

(if you want to say "just check them on your PC!"... I am not on PC rn, plus mod developers can know more)


Found some messages listing the "main" things from NEE:
Screenshot_2024-04-28-23-55-17-225_com discord-edit


AE2UEL has these features from NEE:

  • dragging items into the pattern terminal from JEI
  • a way to change ingredient amounts in pattern terminal
  • combine like stacks in processing patterns (i think)

NAE has these features from NEE:

  • ctrl click to request missing items along with existing patterns

So... Not Enough Energistics was removed in E2E-Extended 1.37.4, as we concluded that its utility is no longer needed, therefore this issue is no longer necessary and can be closed.
Thanks to everyone, who helped in this discussion.