Natural Decoration

Natural Decoration





This mod expands nature in Minecraft with branches, mushrooms, flowers, and more animals to make Minecraft have a better nature.

all animal feature

- Branches : Generate on the tree and under the leaves. Drop Stick.

- Fallen Branches : Generate on the ground. Different type of wood generate on different type of biome. Drop Stick.

- Fungus / Mushroom : generate on the log or on the tree. Drop mushroom.

- Catkins / Acorn / Pine cone : generate under the leaves. Differnt type of leaves has a different type of it. Drop Sapling.

- Cactus flower : Generate on the cactus.

- Animal : Bird, Crayfish, snail and butterfly are spawn around the world. Bird Drop Feather.

update log

Minecraft : 1.18.2

V.1.0.2 Update : Bug fix

V.1.0.3 Update : Bug fix , decrease branches and fungus spawn rate , add Acorn / Pine Cones and Catkins , delete shelf fungus and add bracket Fungus , add fallen stick on the ground , change some model , and more..

V.1.0.4 Update : Bug fix , increase catkins spawn rates.

V.1.0.5 Update : Add Little Sparrow & Small Snails.

V.1.0.6 Update : Add 4 Little Birds (Sparrow , Robin , Red breasted , swallow) , Add Cactus Flower , All Item in this mod has LOGO now.

V.1.0.7 Update : Mushroom spawnrate was decrease now , Cactus flower has better model , add 1 new bird "Marsh tit".

V.1.0.8 Update : Mushrooms , Branches are flammable. Mushrooms are only spawn on the wood log (Bug fix).

V.1.0.9 Update : 2 birds are deleted (Swallow , Red breasted) , Add 3 Butterflies (Morpho , Yellow & White), All birds are in only one spawn egg (Birds), Bugfix.

Minecraft : 1.19.2

V.1.1.0 Update : Add Crayfish that spawn in swamp and ocean. Snails has more variants colors and change model to smaller. All birds has better model. Add Mangrove branches.

Ingame Pics

The desert

Forest in the dark

The Swamp





Mod for 1.18.2+

Forge version only

Comment for some new ideas

