- 1
crash while trying to visualize crimson aura
#111 opened by MagieMalone - 0
Swamp Homi not stripping moss
#110 opened by suprra - 3
crash on startup[1.15.2]
#109 opened by SDUBZ - 1
Book of Natural Aura not progressing - 1.12.2
#108 opened by ProjectUmbra - 1
Curios Still Rendering When Set to False
#106 opened by TrueDakkon - 3
I.. Thought we were done with this..
#105 opened by MInerJake26 - 1
Delayed gameplay
#104 opened by crotin1111 - 2
[1.15.2]Server crash
#102 opened by EnterFor - 8
issue with ritual of the forest and terraforged world-gen
#101 opened by gerb82 - 0
Incorrect Extraneous Firestarter Hitbox
#100 opened by WenXin20 - 1
[1.14.4 - 20.3] No natural altar multiblock structure
#99 opened by GSGDani - 1
Crash w/Fast Leaf Decay [1.15.2]
#98 opened by curlywaffles - 1
[1.15.2-23.3] Client crash when using OpenBlocks Elevator to Nature's Aura area
#94 opened by shortybsd - 3
CraftTweaker Bug
#93 opened by S1mpleM0use - 2
[1.15.2] localization of manual in Chinese
#92 opened by EnterFor - 6
Huge exploit with Chisel
#90 opened by NyanMC - 6
Crash Cannot get property IntegerProperty as does not exist in Block{minecraft:void_air}
#89 opened by Darkere - 1
Can we please have a config option to move the aura cache hud?
#88 opened by TheSaucyWelshman - 1
Server Crashes when I break the ancient saplings leaves.
#87 opened by draco7858 - 2
Server crash on using powder of fertility
#86 opened by AhSchoo - 10
Token of Joy
#85 opened by AngelofShadows88 - 3
Lag from onChunkWatch Event
#84 opened by Darkere - 1
ancient sapling
#83 opened by jayjones87 - 1
de.ellpeck.naturesaura.blocks.BlockDecayedLeaves cannot be cast to net.minecraft.block.LeavesBlock
#82 opened by nolimet - 1
[1.14.4] Bucket of Infinite Color can't do anything
#81 opened by Minamikaze392 - 1
[1.14.4] Crash when generating a world.
#80 opened by Gbergz - 1
[1.14] Brilliant Fiber requires Tall Grass, which is unobtainable in vanilla MC
#79 opened by dashkal16 - 8
Ancient tree crashing server 1.15.2
#78 opened by LWalker111 - 4
[Request] Server Performance Issue
#77 opened by xGarionx - 0
gold fiber uses tall grass instead of regular grass
#76 opened by Ellpeck - 0
Blocks Missing Waterlogging
#75 opened by WenXin20 - 2
Client crash clicking links in the book
#74 opened by Renadarain - 0
[1.14.4] Ticking Entity Crash
#73 opened by furkanmavi - 2
Ignore this, somehow double posted
#72 opened by Sos339 - 4
V1.14.4 java.lang.NullPointerException: mouseClicked event handler *again*
#71 opened by Sos339 - 0
V 1.14.4 "Description: mouseClicked event handler" Crash
#70 opened by Sos339 - 1
[BUG]Placer cannot place blocks correctly
#68 opened by dong031001 - 2
No natural altar multiblock structure in guide book
#67 opened by warmthdawn - 1
Broken book progression
#66 opened by ItsMeDylan - 2
Natural altar not working
#61 opened by PitBossX - 4
CraftTweaker TreeRitual doesn't work?
#60 opened by ZigTheHedge - 0
A problem about the book
#59 opened by Lovin000 - 1
Nature's Aura powered oak farm isn't aura positive
#58 opened by gchpaco - 1
Integration with Pollution of the Realms?
#57 opened by duckwagon - 6
Magical Progression Book Crash
#56 opened by bluewarbler - 1
Progress reset on loading existing save
#55 opened by disposableacc - 6
#54 opened by mactso - 0
Limit spread of golden leaves.
#52 opened by crazyirishwrencher - 0
Ticking crash
#50 opened by bigenergy - 1
Within the pack of magical progression; Crash when using the visualiser feature
#48 opened by JACOBFRANTZ