NBT Editor

NBT Editor


Game crash

MacroVoid opened this issue · 2 comments


Hello, my game crashed. According to the logs, your mod is to blame.
Minecraft version: 1.21.1
Fabric version: 0.16.9
NBT Editor version: 2.0.2
Crash log (on the website mclo.gs): https://mclo.gs/l5IBsmM
Crash log (on the github): https://gist.github.com/MacroVoid/28eeff22b45702121f40ef89dadc5b1b
Crash log №2: https://mclo.gs/iWi843u or https://gist.github.com/MacroVoid/e0b8361d8b4af1727e5f7ec100dc05b3


Do you remember what you were doing right before the game crashed?
ViaFabricPlus was also briefly mentioned in the crash log - are you able to replicate this crash without it? (There may be a mod conflict)


When moving enchanted items from one slot to another with the mouse. I don't know if ViaFabricPlus is involved in this