NBT Editor

NBT Editor


Display of item size in game

Xantrisse opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Display of item size in game (Can be set to Bytes, KiloBytes or MegaBytes)


This seems interesting! There are a couple of config options that I could implement. What do you think I should bother making configurable, what should the defaults be, and if not configurable what should it be set to?

  • Compressed or Uncompressed: /nbt export file exports items in the compressed format
  • Kilobyte or Kibibyte (& mega, giga, etc. equivalent)
  • Automatic prefix changing: switching between B, K(i)B, M(i)B, etc. automatically depending on item size

Ideally it would show the uncompressed size of the item. If there is a string of, for example, 20 characters, the description will say "NBT Size: 20B" or something like that. Possibility to include real size or compressed size.
Display types: Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, AUTO

Suggested Default Settings:

  • Default display type: AUTO
  • Compressed: No

*The AUTO display type will automatically change the display depending on the size of the item.


I've now released this v1.13.0! It is off by default, but can be enabled in /nbt config.

If anyone does what I obviously immediately did, which is attempting to create absurdly large items with recursive containers, keep in mind:

  • Very large items in your inventory will prevent Minecraft from loading the world (use an external editor like NBT Explorer to unbrick)
  • While the client chest seems to handle large items great, unlike /nbt export, it does NOT use the compressed format, so my 20 GB shulker box ended up taking 20 GB on the disk