NBT Editor

NBT Editor


Custom Model Data Browser

sirblazzit opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Add a browser where you can look through all the available Custom Models for an item.
Sort of like browsing through skins in a video game, where they're all laid out side by side, where you can scroll through pages etc.

If it's not possible to automatically detect Custom Models being present, can you make it so we can select a value range for it to display all Custom Model Data within said range.


To be honest, great idea. Except, he would have to make a site for every single thing: Enchant, Item, Armor, Block, Command, Attribute, Name, Flags


To be honest, great idea. Except, he would have to make a site for every single thing: Enchant, Item, Armor, Block, Command, Attribute, Name, Flags

Wdym a site? @toadwaawa

In my imagination it would be an option in the Item Factory alongside NBT Editor, Display, Enchantment, and Attributes.

Or alternatively, as an option in the NBT Editor as a designated button to add it, instead of manually typing CustomModelData after clicking the [+] button at the bottom.

The browser or library in theory would just display the items like does in the actual NBT Editor window at the top left, next to the item name. Except in little window previews like how it displays the NBT Data.

Preferably not as a chest gui like the client chest as the items are small and hard to see compared to the item in the nbt editor preview, which is a lot easier to distinguish, especially when dealing with Custom Models, which are often quite detailed.

(Hard to tell the difference)
(Very clear)

I'm not too sure how well mods can interact with texture packs, but in my head, couldn't it read the texture pack atlas to see what custom models have been defined and then display those for the item you're holding?


I think I could get all the model variations by processing the resource pack the same way Minecraft does, but it seems like it would be pretty complicated. As a result, and since there are lots of other cool features I would like to add, unfortunately this won't be a very high priority unless several other people are also particularly interested in this getting added.


this seems like a really good idea, would really help me and am really keen to see it