- 0
Crashing when hovering some stuffs
#3 opened by Laifsyn - 1
Copying Functionality Suggestion
#2 opened by Poly2it - 1
Suggestion: increase the function of copying item NBT to pasteboard
#5 opened by ValueBackingDown - 2
Rebindable Key
#7 opened by ardissaps - 1
Sneaking wont work anymore
#9 opened by TheFruxz - 1
Crash on 1.19.4
#10 opened by Boy0000 - 0
doesn't work on 1.19.4
#12 opened by Lerphie - 0
1.20.2-1.20.4 updates
#17 opened by NyaomiDEV - 1
Some values appear as "...."
#18 opened by Valorless - 2
1.21.1 support?
#20 opened by minelolpride