Necromantic Expansion

Necromantic Expansion


 Have you always dreamed of becoming the king of the undead? Then this mod is for you. To take possession of the undead, you need to craft a new item - necromantic book.

New Mobs:

Necromancer - undead summoner

(Spawns everywhere with little chance)

Ressurected - your soldier

(Can be summoned with necromantic book)

Undead king - undead summoner


New Items:

Necro bone - component

(Drops from necromancer with little chance)

Necromantic staff - range weapon

(Drops from necromancer with little chance)

Necromantic book - undead ressurect item

(right mouse click to ressurect)

Necromantine ingot

(can be created on blacksmith table with iron ingot and necro bone)

Necromantine Sword

Necromantine Axe

Necromantine Pickaxe

Necromantine shovel

necromantine hoe

New armor:

necromantine helmet

necromantine chestplate

necromantine leggings

necromantine boots

New blocks:

Necromantine block - our discord server