Uncle Jeff's Nether Gem

Uncle Jeff's Nether Gem


It started as my "my first mod" exercise to learn Forge, Eclipse, Java and the guts of Minecraft. With the invention of "Smart-Harvest" technology (enchantment) for the enchantable ruby hoe, it might actually be interesting enough for somebody to want to download.


    2 New Blocks: {Devil-Ruby Ore, Block of Ruby}
    6 Tools: Ruby {Sword, Axe, Pick, Shovel, Hoe, Shears}
    5 Armor Items: Ruby {Helm, Plate, Legs, Boots, Horse*}
    7 Achievements: {Mine Ruby, Craft Ruby Item, Craft Ruby-Block, Craft Ruby Horse-Armor, Wear Ruby Armor, Enchant  (pickup enchanted) Ruby Item, Use Smart-Harvest (attack immature crop with it)

Design Notes:

Appearing much like netherrack (with a few sparkly red gems embedded in the dull reddish pattern), the "Devil's Ruby Ore" only generates naturally in the Nether. It's quite rare and, like emerald in the Overworld, it only appears solitaire, so there are only 3 gems per world-chunk. However, its unusual generation mechanism does concentrate it at the surface, especially under high ceilings (the more air above, the more chance there's ruby ore there). One catch (besides your exposure to ghasts while mining in the open): Whenever this ore spawns with its top exposed to air, it catches fire, so it's not easy to spot (especially after ghasts light up the netherrack around you).

Ruby imitates diamond. The ore drops a single gem (maybe more for fortune) when mined with an iron or better pick. Ruby tools and armor are as tough as diamond's (and use predictable crafting patterns). Their only advantage is being slightly more enchantable (equal to gold), so ruby items seem to get multiple enchants slightly more often. Moreover, the ruby hoe is enchantable. In testing, only 9 XP levels were required to enchant both Unbreaking II and the new SmartHarvest.

SmartHarvest is just for the (ruby) hoe: In survival mode, it can mow down a field of crops without digging holes in the dirt, popping lily-pads from water-holes, or causing damage to immature crops (except step-damage for walking over them).

* Horse Armor is as yet unwearable! It can be crafted from blocks of ruby (very expensive) to gain the achievement, but I'm waiting for a pull-request elsewhere to simplify horse-armor modding before I tackle horse-armor's entanglements with EntityHorse. When finished, the horse armor should accept some protection enchantments. The craft shape if you want to waste some blocks of ruby:


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Look for other "Uncle Jeff's" mods here at CurseForge. If you notice any "bugs" or conflicts (or have anything else helpful to say), then please leave a comment so I can make this and my future mods better.  :)